大村正樹、八木伸也、加納直行、牧本一男:GlycerolによるFurosemideのEP低下作用に対する相加効果について.Audiology Japan 24:413-414, 1981.
加納直行、牧本一男、八木伸也、大村正樹:グリセロールの外リンパ電解質濃度におよぼす効果.Audiology Japan 24:23-25, 1981.
Kanoh N, Yagi N, Ohmura M , Makimoto K: Effect of glycerol on sodium and potassium concentrations in guinea pig perilymph. Arch Oto-Rhino-Laryngol 230: 177-180, 1981.
大村正樹、ラファエル・ヨアシュ、八木伸也、加納直行、牧本一男:幼若モルモットにおけるFurosemideのEP低下作用とそれに対するGlycerol効果について.Ear Res Jpn 13:173-175, 1982.
Ohmura M, Yagi N, Kanoh N, Makimoto K: Effect of glycerol on the EP decrease caused by furosemide. Acta Otolaryngol(Stockh) 94:445-449, 1982.
八木伸也、大村正樹、牧本一男、加納直行:フロセマイドとEP.Ear Res Jpn 13:164-166, 1982.
八木伸也、大村正樹、牧本一男、加納直行:フロセマイドとEP(その2).Audiology Japan 25:267-268, 1982.
馬場駿吉、大村正樹、他94名:化膿性中耳炎に対するセフメタゾールとセファゾリンの薬効比較成績.The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 35: 1523-1552, 1982.
Raphael Y, Ohmura M, Knoh N, Yagi N, Makimoto K: Prenatal maturation of endocochlear potential and inner ear fluids electrolytes. Arch Oto-Rhino-Laryngol 237:147-152, 1983.
大村正樹、八木伸也、加納直行、牧本一男:FurosemideのEP低下作用に対する血圧の影響について.Ear Res Jpn 14:136-138, 1983.
八木伸也、深澤達也、広野喜信、大村正樹、牧本一男:フロセマイドとEP(その3).Ear Res Jpn 14:133-135, 1983.
Ohmura M, Raphael Y, Kanoh N, Yagi N, Makimoto K: Effect of glycerol on the furosemide-caused EP decrease in guinea pig neonates. Acta Otolaryngol(Stockh) 99:21-24, 1985.
Kanoh N, Ohmura M, Yagi N, Makimoto K: The developing electrolytes concentrations of inner ear fluids in guinea pigs. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 99:525-528, 1985.
Makimoto K, Ohmura M, Tamada A, Kanoh N, Misaki T, Iida Y, Kasagi K, Endo K, Konishi J, Torizuka K: Combined scintiscans in the diagnosis of thyroid carcinomas. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) Suppl 419:189-194, 1985.
大村正樹、牧本一男、深澤達也:モルモット胎仔のEPと蝸牛管抵抗.Ear Res Jpn 16:132-134, 1985.
大村正樹、牧本一男:Furosemideの内耳液移行に関する実験的研究.Audiology Japan 28:365-366, 1985.
Kanoh T, Hattori N, Uchino H, Fujita A, Ohmura M, Makimoto K: Extra-medullary plasmacytoma of the parotid gland. Report of a case and reviewof the literature. Tohoku J Exp Med 146:469-478, 1985.
広野喜信、山本悦生、磯野道夫、大村正樹、水上千佳司:末梢性顔面神経麻痺のABR所見.Facial N Res Jpn 8:65-68,1988.
山本悦生、水上千佳司、磯野道夫、広野喜信、大村正樹:錐体尖真珠腫症例での顔 面神経修復.Facial N Res Jpn 8:93-96,1988.
Noma S, Kanaoka M, Minami S, Sagoh T, Yamashita K, Nishimura K, Togashi K,Itoh K, Fujisawa I, Nakano Y, Ohmura M, Tasaka Y, Itoh H, Konishi J. Thyroid masses:MR imaging and pathologic correlation. Radiology 168:759-
Noma S, Minami S, Sagoh T, Yamashita K, Shibata T, Fujisawa I, Ohmura M, Tasaka Y, Itoh H, Konishi J:High-field surface-coil magnetic resonance imaging of thyroid disease. Hospimedica 6:37-42, 1988.
Ohmura M, Baron J.B, Besineton J.C, Guilbret P, Pacifici M, Lemaire V:Influence of the inclined floor on the stepping test. Medica Physica 11:99-104,1988.
Ohmura M, Yamamoto E, Haji T, Mori K.:Transection of posticus and nerve suture for the recurrent nerve injured cases. Recent advances in bronchoesophagology. Edited by Inoue T, Fukuda H, Sato T, Hinohara T:pp
311-312. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, 1990.
Ohmura M, Yamamoto Y.:Differences in endocochlear potentials in response to anoxia in maturing and mature guinea pigs. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 248:8-10,1990.
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Isono M, Hirono Y, Mizukami C:Middle-ear paragalioma masquerading as traumatic facial nerve palsy. ORL 53:177-179,1991.
Isono M, Yamamoto E, Ohmura M:The clinical features of tympanosclerosis. Proceedings of the XⅣ World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. ed. by Sacristan JJ, et al.:pp227-231, Kugler & Ghedini Publication, Amsterdam, Berkeley, Milano, 1990.
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Isono M, Hirono Y:Observation of the external aperture of the vestibular aqueduct using three-dimensional surface reconstruction imaging. Laryngoscope 101: 480-483, 1991.
Yamamoto E, Mizukami C, Ohmura M:Investigation of the external aperture of the vestibular aqueduct in Meniere's disease by three-dimensional image analysis. Acta Otolaryngol(Stockh) 112:31-35, 1992.
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Muneta Y: Two cases of intratemporal facial nerve fibroma. Proceedings of the VIIth international symposium on the facial nerve. ed. by Stennert ER. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992.
宗田由紀、山本悦生、大村正樹、水上千佳司、老木浩之、小形哲也、田辺牧人、白馬伸洋:左顔面神経麻痺・両側感音性難聴で発症した神経サルコイドーシスの一例.Facial N Res. Jpn. 13: 75-78, 1993.
山本悦生、大村正樹、水上千佳司、老木浩之、小形哲也、宗田由紀、田辺牧人、白馬伸洋:耳小骨離断を伴った外傷性顔面神経麻痺症例.Facial N Res. Jpn. 13:217-220, 1993.
Yamamoto E, Muneta Y, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Tsuji J: Evaluation of cholesteatoma with Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging Cholesteatoma and Mastoid Surgery, ed. by Yukchi Nakano: pp427-432, Kugle Publications, Amsterdam, New York, 1993.
Ohmura M, Raphael Y, Yagi N, Kanoh N, Makimoto K: Effect of glycerol on EP decrease caused by furosemide in adults and neonates of guinea pigs. (ⅩⅨ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 5~8, 1982, Mainz, West Germany)
Yagi N, Makimoto K, Ohmura M, Kanoh N: Endocochlear potential and furosemide. (ⅩⅨ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 5~8, 1982, Mainz,West Germany)
Raphael Y, Ohmura M, Kanoh N, Yagi N, Makimoto K: Prenatal maturation of endocochlear potential and cochlear fluid ionic composition of guinea pigs. (ⅩⅨ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 5~8, 1982, Mainz, West
Kanoh N, Makimoto K, Ohmura M, Yagi N: The dynamics of electrolyte con-centration in inner ear fluids after peroral administration of glycerol in guinea pigs.(ⅩⅨ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 5~8, 1982,
Mainz, West Germany)
Ohmura M, Makimoto K, Yagi N, Kanoh N, Fukazawa T: Effect of blood pressure on the EP decrease caused by furosemide. (ⅩⅩⅠ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 16~19, 1984, Taormina, Italy)
Kanoh N, Fukazawa T, Hirono Y, Ohmura M, Makimoto K: The effects of reserpinization on the electrolytes distribution in inner ear fluids.(ⅩⅩⅠ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 16~19, 1984, Taormina, Italy.)
Ohmura M:EP and electrical resistance of the cochlear duct in maturing guinea pigs.(XXⅣ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Aug 30~Sept 2, 1987,Nijmegen, The Netherlands.)
Isono M, Yamamoto E, Ohmura M:The clinical features of tympanosclerosis.(ⅩⅣ World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Sept 10~15, 1989. Madrid, Spain)
Ohmura M, Yamamoto E, Isono M, Hirono Y, Mizukami C, Takebayashi K:The difference between adult and maturing guinea pigs on EP response to anoxia. (XXⅥ Workshop on Inner Ear Biology, Sept 3~6,1989. Paris)
Ohmura M, Yamamoto E, Haji T, Mori K.:Transection of posticus and nerve suture for the recurrent nerve injured cases. (Ⅵ World Congress of Bronchoesophagology Oct 15~18,1989. Tokyo)
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Isono M, Mizukami C:Use of chitin sheet in middle ear surgery. (ⅡInternational Symposium on Transplants and Implants in Otology, Apr 4, 1991. Ehime, Japan)
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Muneta Y:Use of Beschitin-W in middle ear surgery. (Ⅶ Asia-Oceania Congress of Otorhinolaryngological Societies. Dec 2~5, 1991. Hong Kong)
Oiki H, Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Tsuji J, Muneta Y:Two cases of malignant lymphoma in the parotid gland and other lymphoma cases.(Ⅶ Asia-Oceania Congress of Otorhinolaryngological Societies. Dec 2~5,1991. Hong Kong)
Mizukami C, Yamamoto Y, Ohmura M:Observation of porus acusticus internus by three-dimensional imaging. (Ⅸ Shambaugh/Shea Weekend of Otology. Mar 6~8, 1992. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. )
Yamamoto E, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Muneta Y: Two cases of intra-temporal facial neurofibroma.(第7回国際顔面神経学会 1992.6.9~14 Cologne, Germany)
Ohmura M, Yamamoto E, Tsuji J, Mizukami C, Tanabe M: Experimental thrombosis of the stria vascularis in guinea pigs. (29th Inner ear biology workshop 1992.8.30~9.2 Engelberg, Swithzerland)
Tsuji J, Sakakihara J, Takagi A, Okumura T, Ohmura M, Yamamoto E: Effect of aspirin and lidocatine on DP-OAE in guina pigs. (XXI International congress of audiology, 1992.8.31~9.4 Morioka, Japan)
Yamamoto E, Muneta Y, Ohmura M, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Tsuji J: Evaluation of cholesteatoma with Gd-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging. (第4回 国際真珠腫学会 1992.9.8~12. 新潟)
Mizukami C, Yamamoto E, Ohmura M: The vestibular aqueduct and hearing loss in Meniere's disease. (The prosper Meniere society Annual winter meeting 1993, 1993.2.21~28. Aspen, USA)
Yamamoto E, Mizukami C, Ohmura M: Development of the vestibular aqueduct in Meniere's disease. (XV.World congress of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery Jun 20~25, 1993. Istanbul, Turkey)
Ohmura M, Yamamoto E, Mizukami C, Oiki H, Muneta Y, Tanabe M, Hakuba N,Hosotani A, Ishikawa N, Suzuki S: A trial for blood flow monitoring of transplanted free sigmoid colon autograft using laser doppler flowmetry
in cases of hypopharyngeal cancer. (XV.World congress of otorhino-laryngology head and neck surgery Jun 20~25, 1993. Istanbul, Turkey)
Mizukami C, Yamamoto E, Ohmura M: External aperture of the vestibular aqueduct in Meniere's disease; clinical signs and 3D imaging. (Third International symposium on Meniere's disease Nov 20~23,1993. Roma,